Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Half term madness

What crazy things are you all up to this half term? Has anyone got any ideas about how to while away the wet days? If you can think of some leave them as a comment and the craziest will get a prize. Here is mine, Try and create a desert that looks better than this -


  • At 6:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Balance a cup of water on your head and try to open a cream egg, not to mention eat it, with 1 hand!!! David Moselely

  • At 6:41 pm, Blogger Professional Treehugger said…

    Take a photo of each one of your toes individually, give each one a name (and a personality) and then send them to your friends as a half-term gift!

    Matt (the melodious, if somewhat manic monkey)

  • At 11:35 am, Blogger estherbelle said…

    here's my one - take 30 kids out in the pouring rain for a day in the woods!!!!

  • At 3:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Try and make headless chicken with a head.I've done it,can you!!!James moseley.

  • At 12:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    have any of you made propper jewlery i did it in cornwall it took hours but i ended up with
    matching earrings and necklace. I isnt crazy or whacky but its hard!

  • At 2:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Get all your whackiest friends around
    and play Guess Who ! but guess the ice-cream instead of the boring cards with characters on should be great fun !
    and draw a picture of an ice-cream on the cards to make it whackeyer!


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