Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Day Out

Well it didnt rain but it was very muddy! congratulations to rachel for winning the muddiest child award and i think Bob was a close second (with the rumored addition of something rather more smelly!) We had a really great day hanging out in the woods, picnicing and scaring the driver and passengers on the number 358 bus! I had lots of fun and i hope you did too!


  • At 3:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bob was more muckey then Rachel!If you agree with me say so.James Moseley.

  • At 5:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it was fun even though it was muddy. plz try my half term challenge!

  • At 5:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this is cimpleatly off the subject but have you got any photos of lots of kidz at childrens church, u could post onto the site by monday, this would be for my church project, i have already used all the photos i could find off of the site


  • At 7:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It sounds really fun. i wish i could have gone.

  • At 12:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was in cornwall and it was my dads birthday. i was to usy sorry!
    sounds fun by the way!
    i forgot my account oops
    ps I have a very sore throught(cant spell) thats why I have been off school.
    from tiff


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