Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

more photos of camp

Heres a couple more photos - if you want more then there are some on our flickr account and you need to email Clair to access that
And whose idea was the shaving foam???
Adrian gets very messy!
Friday evening banquet
The Prayer Room

Monday, March 19, 2007


Wow, I hope you have all got some sleep now. We are all still exausted. It was great to spend the weekend with you. When I look back it is amazing how much we managed to fit in. I think some highlights for me were seeing you all pray for each other, the joy on Meg's face when we smashed an egg on Adrians head and the wind at the top of the hill. I have taken loads of pictures, here are two, we will show you the rest at childrens church.
Coment below and tell us some of your highlights.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

March Madness

Hi Guys

Thought I would give you a bit of an update with what is coming up.


The Max - 6 - 8pm Don't miss it.

There was a real buzz at the last max and we had an awsome time.

16th - 18th March

CAMP - need i say more. If you haven't booked in still let us know.

Saturday 24th

Fun Day

The adults at church are haveing a teaching day so get your parents to book in for that and if they do you can come on our FUN DAY. Booking forms are at church.

It's a busy month, If you try hard enough you can see us on both saturday and sunday for the next 3 weeks!!