Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Monday, June 18, 2007

Bob takes over the world!

Well, Bob has his own sign, does anyone else? There will be a prize for the best sign with your name on it!


  • At 5:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    cool !!! i'll try find 1 but how do i send it 2 u ????
    zo xxx

  • At 7:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    matt look at children@woodlandschurch.net i've got lots better that bob nonsence

  • At 9:04 am, Blogger Professional Treehugger said…

    Good point Zoe, I should have thought of that! you can e-mail me at snoopyrules@beeb.net
    I've already got some great ones from Debbie that I'll post on the blog soon

  • At 4:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    KL TNX !!!!!
    ZO XX

  • At 1:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i will bring some in on sunday.
    from tiff

    ps i found 9 signs for beaty salons with my name on just on the first three pages of google images (typing in 'tiffany's salon'.

    pps did you know that i sell shower doors.

  • At 7:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    u r so popular!
    zo xxx

  • At 7:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    add them on i'm waiting !

  • At 11:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    u havn't poseted anything 4 agessssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!
    zo xxxx

  • At 5:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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