Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Monday, May 14, 2007



Just a quick note to let you know that I'm geting baptised next Sunday at the start of the 10:30 service! Although I've been a Christian for nearly six years now, for one reason or another I have never been baptised. But I have felt recently that God was calling me to be baptised and to commit my life completely to God. I am really quite excited at the thought of being born again and a little bit nervous beause my non-christian firends and family will be there to see everything - please pray for me and I hope to see you there!


  • At 1:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Thats really great news and I know God will bless you through this. I will be at another baptism in Henleaze but will be praying for you maddies mum

  • At 7:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    kewl sayd debie

  • At 8:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    GOOD LUCK !!! i've prayed 4 u !
    i'll be watching !!!!
    luv zo xx


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