Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Messy Church!!!

Dave Mitchell did a talk in church a couple of weeks ago titled 'being part of messy church' After last sunday in children's church we decided that our need kids church motto should be - woodies childrensc church - messy church with style!!! Seriously it was lots of fun last
sunday and it was great to see you all being creative and having fun (even if i did get in a little bit of trouble for paint on clothes, faces and carpet!!) It is also great that childrens church can be messy inthe Dave Mitchell way too. as we all come together from different homes, schools and backgrounds we don't always fit together too easily and it can feel messy as we learn to accept and understand each other. I find it helpful if someone
is not behaving in church the way that I would like or
want them to, to remember that I have no idea what the
rest of their morning or week has been like and to try and accept and welcome them as Jesus would. I don't want childrens church to be a place where you have to conform to a set mould of behaviour, but rather a place of safety, trust, acceptance and fun. Lets all try to worl towards making it this. XX


  • At 9:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for writing this.


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