Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Feel that smoothness...

So you did it in the end!!!!

It feels SO weird with no beard. Ooh that rhymes! I had a great time tonight. The carol singing on the streets was very very cool ( in many senses of the word!) I was a little nervous during my 'magic' stuff, so sorry if it didn't all go according to plan!! Your fancy dress was great!
I hope you all had a great time and hey, look after those cacti!
I'm off to my parents now after frantic packing and tidying of my room.
I'm going to Finland! Yay!

See you in January!

P.S. The new SMOOTH Rhys:


  • At 5:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    still not brill but better than with the beard grow the stubble

    b h

  • At 9:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You look differant without the beard but i bet it will grow back quickly! Finland sounds cool. Im staying home this christmas but my uncle has come from Australia.
    I hope everyone has a great holiday and christmas and new year!

    From Tiff

  • At 12:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i hope u had a fab xmas !!!
    i think your beard looks alot better but i agree with b h (whoever they are) you should grow a stuble but it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
    much better than it was!!!

  • At 4:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i miss ur beard and i think u should grow it back to annoy every body

  • At 4:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 11:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    eh, eh, eh. plz plz plz plz don't grow it back. u'll give me nightmares again!!


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