Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Good or Evil?!

This Blog is definitely going downhill - these days they're letting just anyone post a comment - even me!!

Last Sunday we were looking at Good vs Evil, and talked about how we all have a choice between doing good or bad things. Sometimes it isn't as easy as you'd think to make the right choice - but God will always help us if we ask him!

We also had a bit of a vote on whether one particular thing was good or evil - can you remember what it is? The picture should give you a clue.....So what I want to do is have Woodies Kids first ever Blog vote, or 'Blote' for short. Post a comment telling us whether you think Rhys' beard is good or evil (and why) and then tell all your friends to come and Blote as well. I'll count the blotes before church on Sunday and announce the results at saltshakers.

See you all on Sunday (as long as Rhys doesn't get hold of me first!!)


  • At 10:23 pm, Blogger estherbelle said…

    definately evil - although some good may come out of it when we raise lots of money by shaving it off!

  • At 6:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    evil - because it looks silly

    Ed M

  • At 7:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    evil! evil !! evil!!! the devils work!

  • At 7:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    evil beacause it looks horribale disgusting and all hairy!

  • At 7:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    evil he should defintly shave it off!

  • At 7:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    evil dextry

  • At 2:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think its definitly EVIL !!!

  • At 2:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Evil !!!
    Should be cut off !!

    ha ha

  • At 7:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    really nice .NOT!!!! SO EVIL!! u really think it looks nice Rhys?!?.Shave it off now it makes u look horrid and old!!

  • At 7:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this is so definetly evil, EVIL, EVIL!!!
    as evil as botty wipes from sainsburys.
    debbie, Tiffy, Esther, Sarah and Alice

  • At 2:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…



  • At 8:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Childs worst night mare it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x a million millions

  • At 11:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    even my friend who's never meet u know it's EVIL!!


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