Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I'm well excited about this - ive been ordering my costume on ebay and planning menus with Clair. This will also be the event at which Rhys shaves off his beard (I hear you all shout hooray!) There will also be some great performances from some of the team as they seek to outdo wach other in being voted 'childrens church worker of the year' by you. (mind you we all know already that i'm the favourite.) Don't forget to book your place and invite a friend.


  • At 8:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i'm looking forward to the megafeast aswell. it's gonna be great. but esther, if our teacher, Mrs Talbot, heard your grammer she'd get WELL cross!!!!!!
    also u will definetly hear a cheer from me!

  • At 2:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Horray, i mean HORRAY!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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