Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ups and downs

Hmm...I'll deal with Matt later...

In 19:14ers right now we are dealing with relying on God. It can be really hard sometimes! Especially when everything seems to be going wrong. Sometimes it can be scary because you don't know what's coming.
The good thing is that the Bible says that God always has good things planned for us and even though things might be tricky God will never leave us. Something I've been thinking about recently is how much God thinks we're worth. We are priceless to him. Sometimes I feel sad and upset and I think I'm a bit rubbish and useless but if I concentrate on what God thinks of me I can't be upset any more! Remember that next time you're feeling a bit down!

Ok Matt, I'm coming! Run for your life!


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