Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Has anyone lost their legs?

I hope everyone enjoyed Saltshakers this morning - we were preparing for next week, when Children's Church are running the main service! At the end of the morning, we found this pair of legs lying around: does anyone recognise them? do they belong to you? we're sure someone must be missing them, so please get in touch if you know anything about them.

Also, I was shocked to hear some less than complimentary words said about my beard! I think this calls for another Blog Vote - please post a comment saying which of the two beards below you think is worse:

Only you can decide!!!

See you all next week



  • At 2:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i dont really know which beard is the worst, i just hope they draw so we can get rid of both of them.

    Also i no that the legs belong to claire (i was there when the photo was taken!)


  • At 3:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think both beards are discusting so why cant we shave both of them off!

    If I have to decide I think ryes's( sorry if I spelt it wrong)should go.


  • At 7:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it's very obvious that both are GROSS but if i had to say one it would be rhys's!!!

  • At 8:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes i think there both HORRID but rhys's is the worst and it got shaved off ha


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