Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Hi Guys and Gals

its christmas eve and i've been wrapping presents in front of the fire and generally getting in a christmassy mood. I would love to give you all a present but sadly time and money do not allow for that - i'll bring some sweets back from India for you all. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New year and I look forward to starting a new term with you in January. Clair and India go to India on Thursday and hopefully we will be able to do a bit of blogging from there to keep you up to date with what we are doing. - Lots of train rides and camel trekking are on the agenda.

love from Esther

p.s thought you would like these pictures of the last week - we have been busy!!!


  • At 11:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My fiends think that our church ROCKS !!! coz i told them we did the congo round the church(totally funky!!!)

  • At 4:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i am a turky


  • At 10:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    they're VERY cool photo's.
    do u have any of the sleepover?


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