Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Caption competition

What do you you think Matt is thinking?


  • At 9:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    matt is about to go hunting for rats in the local school severs!


  • At 4:08 pm, Blogger Colse Leung said…

    Matt gears up (quite literally) as he prepares for his "ACTION MAN" audition

  • At 9:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sorry i dont no how to spell severs
    sally says it is sewers???


  • At 2:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Matt proudly the displays the world's biggest invisible, radioactive salmon

  • At 1:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He's proboaly thinking 'where did i park my spaceship again?!'

  • At 5:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    he's probaly thinking ' Like my new look Clare ?'

  • At 10:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my fiend sarah thinks that he's about to attempt to clean da toilet!!
    ha ha. nice one

  • At 8:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    he is thinking 'why do i look like a number2 that has been forced out with plyers and gunpowder'!!!!


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