Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Caption Competition

I hope you all got your February newsletter this sunday - or get it through the post this week. Here is the photos from the caption competition. They show for me the highlights of last term. What is or could be going on? There will be prises so click on comments below and add your captions.




Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Prayer Week

yes it is prayer week at church thus week. There is a 24-7 prayer room in the upper hall where people from church will be praying all this week, you will be able to use it on Sunday morning. Why don't you try and take some time to pray for children's church this week. Here are some things you could pray about.

... That each child that comes to church will know a real friendship with Jesus
... That we can al be welcoming to new children
... that our four homegroups continue to be places of fun, friendship and growing in God
... for new leaders, particularly for the homegroups
... for our weekend away in March

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Caption competition

What do you you think Matt is thinking?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

remind you of anyone?

Does this remind you of anyone???

The New Year

Well Esther and I are back and can't wait to get into this new term. It was great to see all of you on sunday. Haveing been in India i have been really encouraged to pary for the people we met. Thank you for praying on Sunday. here are the photos so you can keep praying.

This is Tarshi and Kim, the tibetem couple who need a visa.

This is the family in Amedabad who's church are being perscuted. Please pray for their safty

This is the family in Jodpour. Pray for them as they continue to work with Lepours in the area.

This is the church in Jesselmear. Please pray that people in the area would come to know Jesus and that they get then new building they need.

REMEMBER that it is The Max on saturday. see you there 6pm!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Hi guys,

Just a quick one to say that esther and i are haveing a great time in india. I hope you all had good christmas's and enjoy going back to school. I have seen camels and all sorts of things out here.

i hope you are having fun and that you enjoyed the familly service on sunday. we are back for the service on the 13th and there is decipleship group then to.

see you soon
Esther and Clair

p.s. sorry for my spelling no time to check. Matt or Rhys if you have a moment you could change it!!
