Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Day Out

Well it didnt rain but it was very muddy! congratulations to rachel for winning the muddiest child award and i think Bob was a close second (with the rumored addition of something rather more smelly!) We had a really great day hanging out in the woods, picnicing and scaring the driver and passengers on the number 358 bus! I had lots of fun and i hope you did too!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Prayer Request

Hi Guys - could you all pray for Kirsty from Church. She's 22 and has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She used to help with 19:14ers at adh with her boyfriend Jack. The whole church is praying for her - lets make sure that includes us. Esther x

Half term madness

What crazy things are you all up to this half term? Has anyone got any ideas about how to while away the wet days? If you can think of some leave them as a comment and the craziest will get a prize. Here is mine, Try and create a desert that looks better than this -

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Spiritual Blindness

This morning we looked at the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. Although none of us are physically blind, many of us are spiritually blind to the things of God. This can be especially true for us during the week when we are not at church. How aware of God are you when you are at church or home? How active are you in remembering how he wants you to live? This week pray that God will open your spiritual eyes to see your world from his perspective. To see him at work in you and through you. Please share your stories of what happens when you do this on this blog!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Day Out

Woodies Children’s Church Half Term Day Out
Explore the woods from Leigh woods to Pill. Get the bus back to Woodies for food and film

26th Oct
11-6Meet at Leigh Woods at 11
Bring a coat and wear good shoes

Please book a place by e-mailing children@woodlandschurch.net
Pick up from woodies crypt at 6
Cost £3 to cover lunch, bus and tea
Bring Your Friends!
Please book a place by e-mailing children@woodlandschurch.net

Monday, October 09, 2006

Church History

We know that some of you need to know about the church history so here are some bits. If there is information that you want added do let us know.

Woodlands central that you know now started in a small church in Sea Mills in 1983 (the year I was born!) The church had been in the past an old brethren building but had been closed for 8 years. Rob and Pam Scott Cook saw it as an opportunity for community evangelism and growth so the building was bought and Highgrove Church, Sea Mills was born. By 1988 the building was full

The leadership decided to plant out to a neighbouring community. Henleaze had no obvious public evangelical church so a group began meeting as a home group. The church went public in 1992, first of all in Henleaze junior school, and then in its current location. This building above came on the market within the first 6 months and didn’t meet its reserve price at auction, so we were able to buy it. Henleaze and Westbury community church began to meet on Sunday mornings. The church decided to stay one church but two congregations and met together in the evening alternating venues between Sea Mills and Henleaze. Henleaze grew rapidly, within 18 months we needed to have two services on a Sunday morning.

We began to meet in a more central venue in the evenings, in the Hawthorns Hotel in Woodlands Road, reflecting the need to accommodate a growing student dimension
widening geographical area of attendees.

Woodlands came on the market in 1995 (just down the road) and failed to sell quickly. Rob prayed in it and had vision for it. We offered half the price as it continued to fall and were able to purchase on the back of that offer for £125k. The building was used for evening meetings initially and then in 1996 Dave Mitchell took 60 people from Henleaze to open morning congregation.

Woodlands group of Church’s is one Church with 3 congregations. The whole church grows at around 20% per year and across the 3 congregations there are nearly 1000 people meeting each week.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Smelly Feet

Not only did we learn about being servant-hearted leaders at discipleship group but we also discovered who has the smelliest feet! I shall not name them! Twinkle toes Bob however has feet that smelt lovely!

It was great to see you guys really up for being servant-hearted leaders. Spending time washing each other’s feet and praying for each other is fantastic. If you have any thoughts this month about how we lead like Jesus did do let us know.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Woodies Kids

Hi guys -esther here - a big well done to clair for getting this up and running - i can't say much about her spelling though - any chance of a few corrections clair??? i am currently at 19:14ers in south Bristol and we are about to look at the topic of temptation. what are the temptations children face these days - im interested to know so that i can be praying for you all to stay strong

love Esther

Woodies Kids

In partnership with parents we aim to provive a quality children's provision that inspires, trains and equips children to become disciples of Christ. We want our children to be:
- Followers of Jesus
- Worshipers of God
- Bringers of the kingdom
- People who live and act in faith

We are commited to serving them, supporting them and standing by them on this journey.

We currently have a team of arround 40, working with children at woodlands. We are always looking for people to join the team as the more people involved, the more we can achieve. If you would like to join the team email

Saltshakers—8-12 years
We aim to give these children information about God and the world in a fun and interactive way. As they get older we want to give these children an opportunity to develop their own faith, to think and choose rather than copy and accept. They are also at this age, increasingly aware of the motives and consequences of wrong doing and so we aim to teach them about God’s acceptance and forgiveness and demonstrate this in the group. We also provide opportunities for prayer and worship. It is an age where children are beginning to find their own identity so the group places an emphasis on individual growth and the nurturing of gifts and talents.

Elements of a Sunday morning in saltshakers are
• Social, creative, activity time
• Teaching
• Small groups for discussion and prayer

Lightbeams—3-7 years

We aim to give these young children a place where they can have fun, learn about Jesus and find friendship and belonging. We want to give them a Godly demonstration of security and affection as well as opportunities to learn. Their Learning is very much grounded in experience so we do lots of singing, creating, playing and acting. We want to nurture the children's discovery of the world and make God a natural part of this. As they get older reinforcing the reality of God in the world and in their lives

The structure of a Sunday morning in Lightbeams is:
• Small group time, welcome and snack
• All together worship and story
• Age appropriate activities

For very young children, spiritual nurturing comes from the security and affection of parents and other significant adults. Learning comes from play and stories and singing. In t-lights we want to support parents in this nurture and learning by providing a safe and simulating environment during the morning services where parents can leave their children or stay with them

This is a monthly service for families under the age of 7. As well as enjoying cakes and drinks together we consider it important that children share their experience of church with their parents. With a range of interactive worship stories, activities, puppets and games, NliveN is an informal expression of church for young families.

Midweek Groups

Childrens small groups : 19:14ers

These are run to encourage and disciple children who have made a commitment to following Jesus. We share a meal together followed by a time of learning and praying. The groups run fortnightly on a Tuesday and Wednesday evening, one based in the south Bristol pastorate and one centrally, one in Coombe Dingle and one in Easton. We also run a discipleship group once a month on a Sunday lunchtime for children in years 6 and 7 who want to get involved in helping out at childrens church.

Wednesday drop in
We want to support parents with young children by providing a child friendly, café style environment where parents can meet and relax and children can play. It runs from 10-12 on each Wednesday morning

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hi guys,

I have now worked out how to add a photo so here is my first offering. let me have any other photos you have.
