Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Three things

1. My beard

Well, what can I say? I think it's fairly clear. The beard must go. You have won! I won't lie to you, I don't think it's THAT bad but I have thought about it a bit and maybe it's time it went.

BUT, let's not let all that hairiness go to waste! As Esther hinted at, we are thinking of shaving it off to raise money. Exactly what the money would be spent on is not 100% clear yet but you can help us get sponsors!

I'm glad you don't think I'M evil. That's good!

2. Silent Film

We are starting thinking of stuff for the Christmas services and we have some things in mind that maybe you'd like to be a part of. One thing that I thought about was a film. A silent film. Silent does not mean boring. For example the earliest comedy films were silent. Also silent just means that the actors don't speak. There can be music and maybe voiceovers and stuff. Depends what style we choose I think it'll be really fun.
The topic is "The King is coming" or "Royalty". Something like that. I have some ideas but if you have anything you think would work for a 3-5 minute film it would be great to hear from you!

3. Subscribe

You can subscribe to this blog you know! Just enter your email address where it says subscribe, follow the instructions and you'll get an email every time there is a new post! Cool!
Sorry for the xtra long post. Just as a last thing I want to say that I'm so SO glad that I know you guys and my life would be a lot emptier without you! Just felt like letting you know...

See you Sunday (or Friday some of you)

P.S. If you're coming to the Megafeast and it's not a secret, what's your costume?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ups and downs

Hmm...I'll deal with Matt later...

In 19:14ers right now we are dealing with relying on God. It can be really hard sometimes! Especially when everything seems to be going wrong. Sometimes it can be scary because you don't know what's coming.
The good thing is that the Bible says that God always has good things planned for us and even though things might be tricky God will never leave us. Something I've been thinking about recently is how much God thinks we're worth. We are priceless to him. Sometimes I feel sad and upset and I think I'm a bit rubbish and useless but if I concentrate on what God thinks of me I can't be upset any more! Remember that next time you're feeling a bit down!

Ok Matt, I'm coming! Run for your life!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Good or Evil?!

This Blog is definitely going downhill - these days they're letting just anyone post a comment - even me!!

Last Sunday we were looking at Good vs Evil, and talked about how we all have a choice between doing good or bad things. Sometimes it isn't as easy as you'd think to make the right choice - but God will always help us if we ask him!

We also had a bit of a vote on whether one particular thing was good or evil - can you remember what it is? The picture should give you a clue.....So what I want to do is have Woodies Kids first ever Blog vote, or 'Blote' for short. Post a comment telling us whether you think Rhys' beard is good or evil (and why) and then tell all your friends to come and Blote as well. I'll count the blotes before church on Sunday and announce the results at saltshakers.

See you all on Sunday (as long as Rhys doesn't get hold of me first!!)

Monday, November 20, 2006


Wehay! I get to post now too!

Following on from Esther's post, here are some quotes that I wrote down:
  • Stop, in the name of me! - David M.
  • Choose a wife Max! - Clair
  • I'm going to marry Jo. - David M.

Can you remember any more?

P.S. My beard isn't THAT evil isn't it...? ;-)>

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Our Tongues

In 19:14ers this fortnight we have been thinking about how we speak and how powerful words can be both to bless and worship and to hurt and bring people down. Lets be careful to think before we speak! Our words also have the power to make us laugh. What funny quotes from childrens church can you think of? Post them here as a comment. My favourite this sunday came fromm bob who said 'in the olden days... when my mum was young...'

the MAX

Were you at The Max this Saturday? Despite a few tecnical difficulties we had a great time thinking about the commandments 'do not misuse God's great name' and 'honour your father and your mother' Both of these commandments are a challenge to keep in a world where God's name is often abused and many familoy relationships are difficult and broken. As we seek as individuals to obey God's commandments it allows a bit of God's Kingdom to break into our world and gives us and those who see us, a taste of what relationship with God and with our families was intended to look like. If you missed it this time then the next Max is on January 20th so make sure you come along.