Woodies Kids

Woodlands Childrens Church, Bristol

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Hi Guys and Gals

its christmas eve and i've been wrapping presents in front of the fire and generally getting in a christmassy mood. I would love to give you all a present but sadly time and money do not allow for that - i'll bring some sweets back from India for you all. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New year and I look forward to starting a new term with you in January. Clair and India go to India on Thursday and hopefully we will be able to do a bit of blogging from there to keep you up to date with what we are doing. - Lots of train rides and camel trekking are on the agenda.

love from Esther

p.s thought you would like these pictures of the last week - we have been busy!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Feel that smoothness...

So you did it in the end!!!!

It feels SO weird with no beard. Ooh that rhymes! I had a great time tonight. The carol singing on the streets was very very cool ( in many senses of the word!) I was a little nervous during my 'magic' stuff, so sorry if it didn't all go according to plan!! Your fancy dress was great!
I hope you all had a great time and hey, look after those cacti!
I'm off to my parents now after frantic packing and tidying of my room.
I'm going to Finland! Yay!

See you in January!

P.S. The new SMOOTH Rhys:

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Has anyone lost their legs?

I hope everyone enjoyed Saltshakers this morning - we were preparing for next week, when Children's Church are running the main service! At the end of the morning, we found this pair of legs lying around: does anyone recognise them? do they belong to you? we're sure someone must be missing them, so please get in touch if you know anything about them.

Also, I was shocked to hear some less than complimentary words said about my beard! I think this calls for another Blog Vote - please post a comment saying which of the two beards below you think is worse:

Only you can decide!!!

See you all next week


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Clock's ticking...

This is the countdown to B-Day. The day my chin feels the cold Bristol air again after a year of covering. More importantly though, it's the Megafeast.

Fun, Fancy Dress, Food,
Flying Giraffes (if available), so come!

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I'm well excited about this - ive been ordering my costume on ebay and planning menus with Clair. This will also be the event at which Rhys shaves off his beard (I hear you all shout hooray!) There will also be some great performances from some of the team as they seek to outdo wach other in being voted 'childrens church worker of the year' by you. (mind you we all know already that i'm the favourite.) Don't forget to book your place and invite a friend.